Study Skills

Study Skills

The “What” of Studying 📚

Studying, refers to the time students spend going over materials they have covered in class.
Concentrating and reviewing in order to gain knowledge, by reading, investigating, practising or reflecting.

Where do I start?

  • Notes in hardback/ teams
  • Past tests
  • Homework completed to the best of your ability, learn from your efforts
  • Revision questions at the end of chapter
  • Oral language, practice with friends/family
  • Revise for tests
  • Learn from mistakes feedback from teachers

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Creating a Timetable

Make a timetable for the subjects and topics that you want covered each week

Break up your study into 30 and 50 minute blockse.g. 30/40/50 minutes study, 5/10 minute break

Reward yourself by doing something that you enjoy. Doing what you love boosts your endorphin levels and helps you to stay positive


Weekly Study Plan

A for the week is essential. It may suit to study two subjects in depth each night so that all subjects are met at least once during the course of the week. A plan needs to be flexible so as to take account of unplanned happenings. We recommend the following guidelines for length of time for study (and homework) per night:

  • 1st Years — one and a half hours
  • Exam Years (3rd and 6th) — at least three hours
  • Other Years (2nd and 5th) — between two and three hours

Students often complain that they get too much homework, and that therefore they have not enough time to study. This is where flexibility comes in so that time may be borrowed from study time and paid back later in the week when homework is not as heavy.

  • Homework should always be done on the night it is given
  • Good habits in time management are important as examination questions must be answered within very strict time limits. So it is not good practise to take unlimited time at homework
  • Goody study habits are all about keeping to a daily routine and giving all subjects equal treatment
  • Students of all age groups should have a day off at the weekend, but some time over the weekend can be gainfully used to read novels or plays, to up-date notes, or revise materials for up-coming tests.

Where is best to study?

  • Library - in town and in school
  • Your bedroom - try to have no distractions
  • Evening Study in school structured support with fellow students and supervising teachers
  • A family friend, family member, neighbour
  • Outside - fine weather

Try to study in the same space on a daily basis!!

Somewhere that is: Quiet, warm, comfortable, well lit, with a Bulletin Board and space for your books, folders

Without distractions: Phone, iPad, loud music, people talking


Feb 17
Mid Term Break
Feb 24
TY Work Experience
Feb 25
3rd Year & TY Parent Information re Senior Cycle
Feb 28
SSE 6th Year Mentoring
Glenart College
Coolgreaney Road, Arklow, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
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